How to use My Geo-Articles for Local Geo Search.

If you’ve bought my Geo-Articles Package on Legiit, you may have questions on how to properly use them. Here is a simple guide on how to make use of these articles. Keep in mind that this guide assumes that you’re using some version of WordPress.

Step 1: Make sure you’ve disabled “auto add pages” in the Menu section.

Step 2: Post the geo-article as a page by clicking add new page in the page tab.

Step 3: Copy & paste the article into the text entry field.

Step 4: Do whatever on-page SEO you need to the article. Give it a title and any other thing you would normally do. Make sure that (no parent) is selected on page attributes.

Step 5: Press publish and you’re done. Go back to the menu section and double check to make sure the page isn’t selected as a visible page. Now you’re good to go.

Step 6: Do whatever you usually do to index the site. You may want to hit it up with some social signals to help speed up the indexing process.

As always, thanks again for using my geo-article service. I hope to work with you again soon.